In the dry coastal dry forests of the Guajira Peninsula we'll go in search of range-restricted species like the strking Vermillion Cardinal
and Buffy Hummingbird
and we'll be treated to a feast of shore birds
The birding around the mountain village of Minca is excellent with species like this Keel-billed Toucan commonly encountered
We'll try hard for elusive species such as the stunning Rosy-thrush Tanager
The eye-catching Swallow Tanager is usually much easier
We'll check some little known day-roosts for Black-and-white Owl
As we make our way higher we'll start to encounter the famed Santa Marta endemcis - such as the diminutive Santa Marta Woodstar
Until we eventually reach the fantastic El Dorado Lodge
El Dorado has excellent rooms with amazing views (Photo copyright Proaves)
The views from the lodge are simply breathtaking
The birding from El Dorado is world class with Colombian endemics such as Black-backed Thornbill (Photo by Roger Ardila)
Santa Marta Parakeet (Photo by Jaruen Rodríguez)
and White-tailed Starfrontlet all possible! (Photo by Jaruen Rodríguez)
There are many other sought-after species here like this Black-fronted Wood-quail (Photo by Jaruen Rodríguez)
and the El Dorado feeders attract stunners like this Blue-naped Cholophonia (Photo by Roger Ardila)