The birding around Minca is excellent with birds like this Boat-billed Flycatcher
Bicolored Wren
and the incredible Keel-billed Toucan all possible
We'll bird various superb locations and eventually reach the fantastic El Dorado Lodge (Photo copyright Proaves)
El Dorado has excellent rooms with amazing views (Photo copyright Proaves)
The birding from El Dorado is world class with Colombian endemics such as Black-backed Thornbill (Photo by Roger Ardila)
Santa Marta Parakeet (Photo by Jaruen Rodríguez)
and White-tailed Starfrontlet all possible! (Photo by Jaruen Rodríguez)
There are many other sought-after species here like this Black-fronted Wood-quail (Photo by Jaruen Rodríguez)
and the El Dorado feeders attract stunners like this Blue-naped Cholophonia (Photo by Roger Ardila)
Santa Marta also offers some other exciting (non-feathered) critters like this Giant Magdalena Glass-frog (Photo by Roger Ardila)